Wednesday, December 28, 2011

My Latest Excuse For Not Posting in Ages

Right, so here's the deal. I haven't posted anything here in God knows how long, as you may have noticed. Life has been a maelstrom recently and I've been terrifically busy trying to keep my head above the water. I've neglected my blog like an abandoned little orphan, and the only excuse I can give is...


Rest assured, my dear and devoted readers (all 3 of you), I will catch you all up on my incredibly interesting life and fill you in as to why I've been such a fat lard when it comes to posting. The short answer is Skyrim, but the long answer is...not much better than that, actually, but I'm going to take several posts to explain it all. Know that I am bursting with stories, and since my fanbase is undoubtedly full of impossibly sexy and sophisticated individuals who truly deserve to hear of my miraculous tales, the next few weeks will bear witness to a veritable tsunami of blog posts, the likes of which have probably been seen by people who are much more consistent with posting than I am.

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